Parkinsons disease
1.Bipolar Directional Deep Brain Stimulation in Essential and Parkinsonian Tremor; Julia K. Steffen, MD*#; Paul Reker, MD*# ; Fiona K. Mennicken*;
Till A. Dembek, MD*; Haidar S. Dafsari, MD*; Gereon R. Fink, MD*†;
Veerle Visser-Vandewalle, MD‡; Michael T. Barbe, MD*
2020 The Authors. Neuromodulation: Technology at the Neural Innterfac
published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Neuromodulation Society.
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Motor effects of deep brain stimulation correlate with increased functional connectivity in Parkinson's disease: An MEG study.
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Clinical outcomes of globus pallidus deep brain stimulation for Parkinson disease: a comparison of intraoperative MRI- and MER-guided lead placement.
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Motion Biomarkers Showing Maximum Contrast Between Healthy Subjects and Parkinson's Disease Patients Treated With Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus. A Pilot Study.
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Essential tremor
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Bilateral Posterior Subthalamic Area Deep Brain Stimulation for Essential Tremor: A Case Series.
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The Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on Speech Intelligibility in Persons With Essential Tremor.
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Anatomy and physiology
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Activation robustness with directional leads and multi-lead configurations in deep brain stimulation.
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Comparison of intraoperative CT with postoperative MRI for determining DBS electrode coordinates.
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Slim electrodes for improved targeting in deep brain stimulation.
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Pallidal Activity in Cervical Dystonia with and Without Head Tremor.
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